Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Crossing Party Lines

I had an award for Politician of the Week then I would definately give it to Barack Obama. He is one of the few politicians that doesn't come across as sleazy. The reason I am going all Obama-fanatic for this post is because he has continued to do something that this blog loves most. He has reached across party lines to do his job of running the country better. His cabinet has added yet another Conservative. That is what America is all about:crossing party lines to better serve your country.
I leave all of you tonight on that note. Until later


  1. Yes Obama must be a great person. With all that is wrong with America and so many things that need fixing (economy, war, etc.) the 1st thing he says he will do is sign the Freedom of Choice Act which will basically legalize the murder of innocent babies and allow people to be even more irresponsible with their sexual conduct. Yes that is most important for this country is to further push for more abortions. My only wish is that his mother would have aborted him. Maybe then he would think differently about his position.

  2. Yes this is very true. Good point. Except for the fact that this is the destruction of God. Barack himself does not force us to have sex. He simply makes it easier for people that made a mistake to move on with their life. Yes, I do believe that embryos are alive but I don't think they can even feel anything until the late 2nd trimester. That's besides the point. The big mistake you made on this blog was basically saying that you wished Barack was never born. Not saying anything about that. Just pointing that out. Please correct me if I'm wrong in saying that that's what you wrote.

    P.S. The first thing Barack Obama did was close down Gitmo which was a torture camp for terrorist. The second thing he did was propose the Stimulus Package to Congress. Then he signed the Freedom of Choice Act. Thanks and Good Night.

  3. Although I agree that abortion is a choice that I find HORRIFIC and in fact MURDER, I also know that we are given our free agency by our Heavenly Father to make our own decisions. I think that what you said Dyl about "embryos being alive, but not able to feel anything until late 2nd trimester" is not something I agree with and is simply not the point. If a woman chooses to have an abortion that is in fact her right, but she must know all of her options and have all of the information before making such a choice. In the end we cannot force people to choose the right and that is not what our Father in Heaven wants for us either. We always have the right to make choices and there are consequences whether it is in this life or the next. That is what is most important.

  4. I think that abortion is murder, I also think that homosexuality is a sin. The difference is, we have no right to limit their choice. They will pay for their sins in the next life. Until then, religion has no place in politics and so if we are going to destroy the first amendment and kill their freedom of choice, then we should just convert to a nationwide communism, with the government telling us what to do all the time in every aspect of life. This is the only way democracy can survive.
