Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rush: Foe or......yeah he's just psychotic

The Democrats hate him for his harsh comments on the most sensitive of issues. The Republicans hate him for drawing too much negative attention to the already "magical" Party. I, on the other hand, never hate somebody just for bringing attention of any connotation to anything. I never place any opinions on anybody for bringing the tough topics to the surface of the media. Howard Stern is a wonderful example of somebody that got so much criticism for saying the things everybody else is thinking. The reason the I hate Rush Limbaugh, is for none of the reasons listed above.
I hate Rush Limbaugh because, well frankly, the guy's a freaking nutcase. I would hate to lose some of the dignity of this blog by being so forward, but I don't beat around the bush on most topics. Believe me, there are too many Rush-isms to mention. So I won't mention any one in particular. Just listen to his AM radio talk show once and you will understand my logic.
Now, the reason I bring up Mr. Rush Limbaugh is for his now world famous (or rather infamous) quote, calling for President Obama to fail. I have heard a lot of negative things said about Mr. Barack Obama. I have read comments on this blog by certain readers that basically said that they wished Barack Obama would feel the pain of being aborted by his white mother. Pretty horrible. I am not comparing the failing of his presidency to his lack of existence. However, Barack Obama is our President. If he fails, this nation fails. If he fails, millions of people die. Very classy Mr. Limbaugh. You must feel like a million bucks. The million bucks that all of us tired, sick, starving and poor could really use right about now.
I think about 65% of all the problems in the world are created by negativity. Maybe if we actually acted like we were the United States of America, we wouldn't be in such a mess. How many people have to lose their homes before we wake up as a nation and bring our other foot inside the door.

On a positive note........sorry there is nothing to report.

Thank You,

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